A Serendipitous Encounter: A Woman’s Unintentional Meeting with a Small Feline Leads to a Remarkable Outcome

Woman Accidentally Hits A Tiny Cat With Her Car And A Miracle Happens

Encountering heartwarming animal rescue tales online is a common occurrence these days. Almost every day, I stumble upon these inspiring stories and find myself getting a little teary-eyed at the incredible acts of kindness from fellow animal enthusiasts. Luckily, there are many kind and empathetic individuals out there who are always ready to step up and rescue a furry companion in distress. These compassionate souls ensure that heartwarming rescue incidents continue to touch our souls.
Let me share a particular rescue narrative that stood out, originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. This story revolves around Sara, a courageous woman from St. Louis, Missouri, who rushed to aid a cat that had a frightening run-in with two separate cars.

white cat sitting

On a cold and wet morning, Sara was driving home to Illinois to see her family. Cruising along at around 60 mph on a peaceful two-lane highway, a small white kitten suddenly dashed out from beneath her car. With no time to react, Sara unfortunately struck the cat with her vehicle. She vividly remembered the fear in the kitten’s eyes just before her car hit it. Feeling sickened by the accident, things took a turn for the worse when another car behind her also ran over the poor creature. Sara immediately pulled over to the side of the road, glancing back at the motionless white cat lying in the middle of the road. Unsure if it was her car or the one behind her that had injured the kitten, she decided to investigate.

photo of a white cat

After making sure there were no cars approaching, Sara left her vehicle and hurried over to inspect the small cat. She observed the feline was bleeding badly from a wound on its head, lying still. In the face of this distressing sight, Sara contemplated staying with the cat in its final moments as a gesture of compassion. But then, against all odds, a remarkable thing occurred – the cat began to stir, gradually rising to its feet and unsteadily moving around, indicating a spark of vitality.

cat who was hit by a car

Unable to ignore the injured cat on the road, Sara decided to lend a helping hand. She carefully wrapped the injured feline in her warm fleece jacket and rushed her to a local veterinarian, who coincidentally happened to be a family friend. The anxious 40-minute journey to the clinic was filled with tension and worry.

Sadly, the veterinarian’s prognosis was not as positive as Sara had anticipated. Recalling the visit, Sara shared, “The vet’s assessment wasn’t very hopeful – he gave her a 50/50 chance of survival. The poor cat had a fractured skull, dehydration, and was on the brink of hypothermia.”

Despite the grim outlook, Sara refused to give up hope. She made a promise that if the cat pulled through, she would provide her with a loving home and name her Noelle!

white cat lying

Luckily, the cat fully healed without any long-term neurological problems. Sara kept her promise and adopted the cat, taking on the role of not just her savior but also her caring cat parent. Now, Noelle is a content and thriving feline who steers clear of fast cars and bustling streets. This touching tale of strength and empathy serves as a reminder of the remarkable goodness in the world, and, ideally, prompts us to be more cautious behind the wheel.

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