Heartbroken Pup: Abandoned 16-Year-Old Dog’s Tears Touch Shelter Workers

16-Year-Old Dog Couldn’t Stop Crying After Being Abandoned At The Shelter By Owners

Numerous older dogs often find themselves abandoned in shelters during their later years, deemed as unwanted by their previous owners. As health problems become more prevalent in aging canines, some find themselves overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for them, leading to immense sadness for these loyal companions. One such dog, Link, at 16 years old, was abandoned by his family at a shelter, where his pitiful cries tugged at the heartstrings of many. However, one individual took it upon themselves to intervene and completely transform Link’s situation! An Exciting Fresh Beginning.

shelter dog crying

When Carlie Cahill, a resident of Oklahoma, stumbled upon a photo of Link on the internet, she knew he was the one for her. Despite his numerous health challenges, Carlie wasted no time in submitting an adoption application and welcoming this lovable pup into her home.
During their initial encounter, Link was lacking fur and battling various severe infections. Carlie shared on her Instagram, “When I picked him up from the shelter he had mange, fleas, and a yeast infection. Since then I found out he has terrible allergies and has had bacterial infections as well.”

shelter dog sleeping

Initially, Link was reserved and wary, needing time to adjust to Carlie’s home and overcome the stress of being abandoned. Fortunately, he found comfort and support from his new family, particularly his furry sibling Toad. Toad quickly embraced Link as a new member of the family, offering comfort whenever Link felt overwhelmed or insecure. According to Carlie, Toad was always there to sniff and nudge Link whenever he needed it.

big and small dog lying together

Just a few days later, Link and Toad had formed a strong bond, like true brothers. Link’s behavior transformed, and he found his favorite spot in the house – Toad’s crate!
Carlie shared on Instagram, “Link loves snuggling up in Toad’s spacious crate.”
After two years in Carlie’s care, Link’s coat was completely revitalized. He was now a fluffy, content dog who cherished every moment of his new life.
Link and Toad now enjoy walks together, snuggle on the couch, and nap cozily side by side. Despite their size difference, they fit together perfectly, captivating everyone they meet with their incredible relationship!
Link is truly enjoying his golden days with his new best friend Toad.

small senior dog indoors

It can be said that this 18-year-old boy is truly enjoying his life in Oklahoma. Despite having a cataract in one eye that affects his sight, Link remains a happy boy. While his mom is uncertain about his breed, some believe he may have Chihuahua in him. However, given his unique personality and love for the rain unlike other Chihuahuas, he is likely a different breed. Regardless of his lineage, Carlie’s main focus is to provide Link with a fulfilling final chapter of his life.

dog covered with gray blanket

“I consider myself fortunate to have found him and now have the opportunity to look after him, ensuring he feels loved during his final years,” Carlie shares.
With Toad by their side, the trio enjoys unforgettable moments, creating lasting memories and going on thrilling adventures every day.
Link, once a sad dog grieving the loss of his family, now has a new forever family to call his own!

A 16-year-old dog has not stopped crying after being abandoned by its owner at a shelter.

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